
Symptoms of the disease:

Course of disease:
Following ingestion of the oocysts (a cyst containing a zygote formed by a parasitic protozoan such as the malaria parasit), their subsequent developmental stages damage the intestinal wall. Within 4-7 days of infection, the pigeon starts to excrete oocysts again.

There are two forms of coccidiosis:

The asymptomatic (or subclinical) form occurs most frequently. After ingesting small quantities of oocysts for the first time, pigeons develop an immunity to infection due to stimulation of endogenous defence mechanisms, without visibly succumbing to the disease. With this protection, which is reinforced by constant ingestion of low levels of oocysts, the birds live in a kind of equilibrium with the parasites, which also protects them against severe intestinal disease.

The visible form of the disease with an acute course and severe generalised disturbance - true coccidiosis - occurs when still unprotected young pigeons become infected by ingesting large amounts of oocysts or when the immunity of older pigeons is reduced or broken down by stress factors.

Asymptomatic form:
Infested birds appear healthy, albeit rather less lively. The droppings are sometimes rather soft.

Acute course:

Visibly affected pigeons produce malodorous, muco-aqueous, greenish and sometimes bloody diarrhoea. They are listless, have puffed-up plumage and drink profusely, with reduced feed intake.

Recognition of the disease:

Coccidial oocysts can be demonstrated by microscopic examination of faecal samples (prepared according to the flotation method).

Asymptomatic form:

Only a small quantity of oocysts is identified in the faeces (finding = +).

Acute form:

The contents of the gut reveal moderate (finding = ++) or severe (finding = +++) oocyst infestation.

Similar conditions:
SalmonellosisE.coli infectionworm infestation.

(Thank you

Asymptomatic form:

Pigeons suspected of infection that show mild infestation are not treated, in order not to disturb the host-pathogen equilibrium.

Acute form:

Diseased pigeons are treated with chevi-kok®. Treatment is supported by administration of multivitamin EB12 and the best possible diet.


chevi-kok® can be administered during the moult. Development of feathers will not be disturbed.