Poems - Misc.

Love Endures

Around the world in ancient times, the goddesses of love,
Aphrodite, Venus, both, chose a pure-white dove.

Loyal to both mate and home, the white doves represent,
True devotion, partnership, and love that’s heaven sent.

Doves will court with coos and kisses, ‘round and ‘round they’ll turn.
They mate for life and to their home they faithfully return.

The doves know well that it takes two to build a nest and care,
Tenderly for eggs and young-- unending love they share.

So with these doves fly hopes and dreams, for families old and new.
Their clapping flight-- a joyous sight, rising through a sky of blue.

Sailing high on wings of white, doves are love returning,
Celebrating family bonds, and joyful love enduring.
Helen Harvey

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